About Us

North Bay Cancer Alliance is the only cancer-focused nonprofit providing patient assistance to cancer patients at every hospital and oncology center in Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Lake and Mendocino counties.​

What the North Bay Cancer Alliance does

KZST’s Ted Williams interviews North Bay Cancer Alliance’s Executive Director, Kent Corley, on “Sonoma County’s Talking”. Kent talks about NBCA’s role in helping cancer patients and their families in the north Bay Area.

We try and cut out the red tape and get the money where it's needed.”

—Kent Corley, Executive Director of North Bay Cancer Alliance

Support for those most in need

We work closely with social workers, patient navigators, nurses and oncology teams to provide them with a variety of tools, programs, and most importantly financial support for their cancer patients who are living on the margin of health and income.

Help for immediate needs

NBCA has created a system of assistance that cuts out the bureaucratic red tape and lengthy wait times, avoiding applications, and puts critical funds into cancer patient’s hands when they need it most – right now.

“The most important part of the oncology appointment is getting there.”

We have a saying at NBCA that “the most important part of the oncology appointment is getting there.” Under our unique model, NBCA provides funds directly to oncology offices on the front lines so they can deliver financial support to patients on a moment’s notice. NBCA also provides funds directly to patients by meeting them where they live or where it’s most convenient for them.

Putting money in the hands of cancer patients

NBCA has put more than $900,000 into the hands of cancer patients, helping them with transportation expenses, co-pays, gas and grocery, lodging, dental work, special and final wishes, funeral expenses, rent assistance, nutrition, yoga and sound healing classes, Spanish translation, STRENGTH Blankets and more.

Eileen and Kent Corley

Putting our bodies on the line

We are also willing to put our own bodies on the line for the cause we believe in so strongly. NBCA Executive Director Kent Corley and his wife Eileen Corley along with a small team of hikers will climb Mt. San Jacinto this November. This hike, which is the steepest escarpment in the continental United States, is a gesture that approaches the challenge cancer patients and their families face every day.

We believe that only by making a gesture of this magnitude can we honor the multitudes of Cancer Heroes and raise critical funds in service of them. We hope you can join them in this Ascent on Cancer by making a donation to NBCA today.

North Bay Cancer Alliance logo

Executive Director

Kent Corley

Contact Kent